Ladies Aid Annual Guest Day


The Rippey Methodist Ladies Aid held their annual Guest Day on Thursday, May 3rd. Following a breakfast of rolls, sweet breads and assorted muffins, orange juice and coffee, the group gathered in the sanctuary for the program. 

Toni Roberts gave the welcome and fifteen churches from the surrounding area answered the Roll Call with a total of 64 attending.  This year’s program entitled “Trees” began with readings of five different trees mentioned in the Bible for special uses: Fig Trees read by Jo Bardole, Olive Trees read by Toni Roberts, Palm Trees read by Phyllis Bardole, Cedar Trees read by Connie Neese and Oak Trees read by Maralynn Rinker.  Following each reading a hymn was sung by the group, each denoting trees in the lyrics. 

The skit “Tree of Life” was presented by Phyllis Bardole, Maralynn Rinker, Nancy Burrow, Nancy Hanaman and Toni Roberts and was hilariously acclaimed by all!  Jo Bardole then completed the program with a reading of the book: “The Tale of Three Trees assisted by Kathy Jackson.  The last hymn to be sung was “The Old Rugged Cross”.

In closing, Toni thanked all the members who helped with making the day possible—the “bakers” and kitchen help, the decorating, the craft favors, Midge Vannatta, piano accompanist, the readers, actors, and handyman jobs.  She attributed the lack of male members in the skit by the fact most were getting too old to “climb trees or do silly antics” but were appreciated for their support! It is truly a “group effort” to present this every year. 

Jo then gave the Benediction and wished everyone safe travels and we hope to see everyone next year!