Looking Back 75 Years Ago


The Rippey Lions Club was organized on March 9, 1944.  They received their charter on the night of April 27, 1944, with around 200 Lions and Lionels from Greene county attending the ceremony at the Rippey High school.  The Methodist Women’s society served the meal.

At a meeting of the Town Council on June 12th, 1944, Ordinance #48 was passed and adopted, establishing a public library for the Town of Rippey.

In November, 1944 it was noted that the Rippey Lions Club donated a stove to heat the library building.

I find the fact that the three organizations are still serving each other and their community, worth mentioning, given the ages of most involved.  A hearty group with not as strong bodies, but still good hearts!  You will still see some of the original people doing what they can when there is something to do.  They keep me going as I have only 54 years of experience and more to learn from them!

  • Jean Borgeson