Years ago I was in the library at Ogden researching some family history, and I found this article concerning the vote to close Angus. (most likely one of the four who didn’t want the town to dissolve was the correspondent) I’ll bet it was quite an era to have lived in and around Angus for those who stayed to raise their families after the mines closed.
From the Ogden Reporter, March 15, 1884:
The Angus Correspondent of the Perry Chief has this to say of the vote on the proposition to dissolve the corporation of that once famous coal town: At the election held here last Monday, the question as to whether the corporation should be dissolved was voted on. The vote stood 27 to bust, and 4 not to bust. consequently, it is pretty well busted. The condition of the finances of the town are such that it would be useless to continue the corporation longer. If the city dads of the early days hadn’t burdened the town with its present bonded indebtedness, we might have been able to keep up the incorporation and pay expenses.