Rippey Will Be 150 Years Old!


In 2020, Rippey will be 150 years old.
The Mayor of Rippey and City Council will  host a planning meeting at 2:00 on Sunday April 14 at the Community Center.
What should be included in this celebration? Past  celebrations included visits from the Governor of the State of Iowa, a parade, fireworks, a play, strength contests, a car show, a ball game, band concerts, baby contests, etc.
Rippey was the first settlement in Greene County dating to 1855.  It was founded near the Raccoon River,  south of the present day Squirrel Hollow or about 3 1/2 miles southwest of the current Rippey. The town was on the Des Moines to Sioux City Stage coach route.
When transportation changed from horses to trains, Rippey moved to the east to become a station on the Des Moines and Fort Dodge Railroad in 1870.
The town was called New Rippey, until the 1940’s when the “new” was dropped, and it became known as Rippey.
The town was named for Judge R.M. Rippey and while the name is 165 years in the making, the geographic location of current Rippey will be celebrating 150 years.
Come and bring your thoughts and  ideas of how to celebrate this historic milestone in our town’s history.