BRRRR Ride, 2021


The BRR Ride is held regardless of the weather and this year was certainly a challenge for riders, vendors and others involved. The Rippey Lions Club provided sack lunches featuring roast beef sandwiches and other goodies, in front of the Library/Community Building. There were fewer riders than usual but those who rode included a person from Nebraska who has ridden for the last four years and others from around Iowa. This year the riders were dressed appropriately for the weather. Some arrived with icicles on their eyebrows and beards. The church also welcomed the riders, serving ham sandwiches, chips, cookies and water.

                The riders, though few, were friendly and grateful to the volunteers who welcomed them into our little town.

The Rippey United Methodist Church and the Rippey Lions Club thank their volunteers who also weathered the weather, donated their time, cookies, and money for groceries. We look forward to another year and with the Church serving their traditional baked potato bar and the Lions’ roast beef sundae.

-Jean Borgeson