Sesquicentennial Planning Meeting Minutes


June 6, 2021

6:30 P.M.

Rippey Library Community Room

Mayor Dan called the meeting to order. Those present were Pat Monthei, Jennifer Slagg, Sharon Ulrich, Rick Liebich, and Mary Weaver.

The financial report was given. The June 1st balance was $30,447.62. Income from donations, concession stand equipment and labor payment, vendor application, and a donation for the baseball park was a total of $1,437.00 since May 23. Bills included installation of cabinet and sink, and Tri County Lumber for lime.

The ballpark is minus $274.26, the Sesquicentennial fund is $10,209, and the Friends of Rippey has $19,964.36.

Happenings since the last meeting:

Greene County Cattlemen will grill at the ball park. (Sharon Ulrich will search for the pork producers to see if they want to grill also).

Magnets are ordered (and arrived Thursday 6-10-21)

Sesquicentennial Float for Rippey will be in the Bell Tower Parade on Saturday, June 12, with walkers Lyle Rychnousky and Rick Liebich walking beside the float handing out magnets and schedules for the July 31st event.

Lights at the Walt Anderson Field are working-recognizing Ben Gannon for his work with identifying it was fuses and not 9 burned out bulbs.

The Library Board will be selling cinnamon rolls and water prior to the parade beginning on the library lawn.

To date there are 11 vendors, but still no food trucks applications.

Concern was expressed that we may not have adequate activities for children. Sharon Ulrich will research bouncy houses cost, along with finding a person that will do face painting.

Sarah Killgore had made a flyer showing the events of the day. This was reviewed and finalized with specific times and locations. The parade route was finalized. Applications for parade entries, car show entries, vendor, and food truck applications have been completed. All of the above information will be posted by Sarah on the Website and the FB site. Marketing will begin with ads in the local hard print and electronic newspapers and information provided to Raccoon Valley radio. Posters of the day’s events will be made available to businesses for posting.

The teams that played in the Rippey Ruckus baseball tournament, have requested to return April 29, 30th and May 1, 2022.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.

The next meeting will be held June 27, at 6:30 P.M.

Summary minutes

Mary Weaver