Friends Of Rippey & Rippey Sesquicentennial Planning Committee Minutes


The Friends of Rippey and the Rippey Sesquicentennial planning committee met on Sunday evening October 10 at 6:30 in the small community room of the Rippey Library Building. Those present were Mary and Kevin Hick and David, Dale and Nancy Hanaman, Rick and Mary Liebich, Myron and Maralynn Rinker, Mel Murken, Tina Miner, Charlie Mundy, Paula Rychnovsky, Frank Nation, Dan Brubaker, Sharon Ulrich, and Mary Weaver.

The minutes of the recent Friends of Rippey Board meeting of August 12, and the most recent minutes of the Sesquicentennial planning meeting of July 25 were reviewed and approved.

The treasurer’s report was given with detailed spread sheets for the sesquicentennial and the subsection of the baseball park financials. The overarching Friends of Rippey Account shows $28,468.06; Baseball line item of $4,064.35. ($700 was deposited on Tuesday, October 12 to this line item from the Saturday baseball tournament). The 150th celebration account shows $1,890.10. The amount remaining available for the Friends of Rippey fund is $22,513.60.

All those present were called upon to discuss the July 31st Sesquicentennial pluses and minuses. In general, it was deemed to be an excellent event. There is interest in holding an annual Rippey Fun Day.

Following the FOR August Board meeting, a letter was sent to Mayor Dan and Mel Murken. It stipulated the line-item funds for the baseball park will be given to the Baseball Commission following their establishment, identification of a contract with the City of Rippey, formation of by-laws, and receiving a 501 c 3 designation. Kevin and David Hick responded with a letter of intent to be submitted to Mayor Dan, and the Rippey City Council. Prior to their presentation, Dan suggested the funds available for the ballpark could be transferred to the City of Rippey, to the line-item Park Board. There was a general question if donations to the ballpark can be considered tax deductible by the donor. Dan will request information from the Rippey City Attorney regarding this question.

A draft letter of intent that will be submitted to the Rippey City Council at their November 1st meeting. In general, the proposal includes the lease of the ball field for 5 years for $1.00. The Commission will be responsible for any expenses that occur, with the understanding the ball field belongs to the City of Rippey and major renovations will be presented to the City of Rippey. They expect the Rippey Ruckus of spring of 2022 to include six teams, and the possibility of additional AAU, and high school teams playing at the Walt Anderson field.

Mary and others reviewed the list of potential activities and projects to be considered for the community. Additional items were added by persons in attendance to include:

Veteran’s Memorial signage at the Rippey Cemetery

Digital Display sign announcing events as well as cancellations

Funding for training for 1-3 Emergency Medical Technicians

Ice rink/ skating rink/ basketball/ pickle ball courts at the location of the current skating rink

Drive in movies projected on the west side of the former school building

Establishment of R.V. park at either ballpark, or former school site

American Disability accessible restrooms for near the baseball field

It was identified that match funding from the Friends of Rippey could be used to enhance any proposed grant requested projects.

Dale Thompson and Mary Weaver were appointed to serve on the nominating committee at the August FOR Board meeting. Mary reported Charlie Mundy has consented to serve as President, Tina Miner as Secretary, and Paula Rychnovsky as treasurer. They were called upon to introduce themselves. There were no nominations from the floor. They were voted into office by acclamation and will officially take their duties on January 1st, 2022.

Mary reminded persons the current Board of Directors for the Friends of Rippey are Jean Borgeson, Ned Johnston, Dale Thompson, and Rick Liebich.

Mary and Dan urged persons to vote in the upcoming election on November 2, as this vote includes school board, City officials, and a vote to retain the Wild Rose Casino.

Mary also announced the time capsule associated with the school has not been reburied, and the original contents have gone missing, following the death of Keith Devilbiss. She has approached the Library Board of Directors about placing duplicate annuals into the time capsule, along with several documents obtained from the Fern Holmes family regarding the addition to the Rippey School in 1959.

The bicentennial capsule for Rippey will be reburied at Osborn Park, to be opened in 2071. Anyone wishing to place items in the capsule should take them to Mayor Dan’s shop prior to October 31st.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M.

Summary Minutes submitted by Mary Weaver