The Rippey Lions Club held its regular meeting beginning with a delicious meal prepared and served by Maralynn Rinker. The guest speakers, Sheilah Pound and Bobbi Dollinger, representing RSVP, were introduced. by Nancy Hanaman. Greg Jacobs, President, opened the business meeting. Plans made included the upcoming pancake meal on Nov. 13, a list of prospective members and cooperating with other community groups for joint projects.
Sheilah Pound, RSVP Coordinator for Greene County, shared with the group about the Grocery Assistance Program (GAP), in-home visitation and adult caregiving, and the Pen-Pal program with children from the Paton-Churdan and Greene County Schools. Bobbi Dollinger presented the “Lots of Socks” project. Socks and underwear are collected for children, preschool-6th grade through Nov. 14. Collected items are distributed to the schools noted above and through New Opportunities. Baskets are at the Rippey Library, Rolling Hills Bank, Peoples Bank and the Rippey United Methodist Church. Information is attached to the baskets for monetary donations. For more information about these programs, contact Sheilah Pound, Coordinator,515 370-1099 or