On October 30, 1911, a group of Rippey men held an informal meeting to appoint a committee, consisting of Nicholas P, Burk, Wayne M. Osborn, and Claude Johnson, to draft rules and by-laws for a fire department.
The November 10, 1911, minutes of the Rippey fire department reflect the approval of the constitution as well as the passing and signing the newly formed department’s by-laws. The newly elected fire chief was Nicholas P. Burk. The secretary was Jay States.
By the December 5, 1911, the arrangements for a box social fundraiser were completed and a vote determining whether to purchase long coats or short coats. By February 6, 2012, a bill of $44.45 was allowed to Crumley and States for 19 rubber coats and ½ dozen slicker hats. More were purchased as new members joined. After receiving their coats, a date for the picture was chosen.
The list of volunteers is long over the years. “…the civic minded members, all of whom are ready and willing to give of their time to assist a neighbor in time of need, to save his property from destruction by fire. They most assuredly deserve the thanks of the entire community.” Jay States, 1970 Rippey History Book, Page 141. This sentiment still holds true, today.
-Jean Borgeson