

Dear Friends of Rippey Community,
I want to use this time to inform you of the upcoming community meal and Easter Egg Hunt being planned by the Friends Of Rippey.
My name is Charlie Mundy and I am the current leader for the FOR group, as Mary, Mary Ann, and Sharon are taking a well-deserved break after 20 plus years of outstanding service to our community. Tina Weir Miner is serving as the secretary, and Paula Rychnovsky, as treasurer. We are seeking to update our volunteer lists and confirm or seek new active Board members. Please contact Mary Weaver at 515-360-8046 if you wish to be removed/added or know of someone that should be added to our list as a volunteer or seeking a possible board position. The current Board members include Jean Borgeson, Ned Johnston, and Rick Liebich. Interested persons do not have to reside in Rippey.
At the Community Dinner on April 8th, we have asked the Rippey Library Board of Trustees, the Rippey Baseball Commission, the Rippey Yoga group, the Rippey Lion’s Club, and the Washington Winners 4-H group to have small displays and provide handouts sharing about their organization in the community.
To provide transparency around the fiscal activities, the current FOR balance as of 3/2/22 is $25,821.75, and $5,887.16 being held on behalf of the Baseball Commission until they establish their non-profit status, at which time they will assume all responsibilities of the Baseball Commission.
The upcoming Rippey Community meal is being provided through donations from Tyson Meats, and pending donations from local grocery stores, with other food items being donated by the leadership. We do hope that you will be able to attend on April 8th at 6:00 P.M. at the Community Room. Mayor Dan has generously taken on the task of preparing the donated meat, so we are certain it will be fantastic.
The committee is not providing any desserts, so if you want to bring a sweet to share with your neighbors, it will be greatly appreciated by everyone in attendance.

The Rippey Easter Egg hunt is coming back after nearly a 30-year hiatus. It will be held using the property donated to the Friends Of Rippey by the People’s Bank and Trust. That is the corner lot directly east of the library, the former location of the Rippey First National Bank. The Rippey Library lawn will also be used for the younger children. This event is being provided through donations from People’s Bank and Trust, Landus, leadership members, and the FOR. The Hunt will begin at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday April 16th at no cost to participants.
These events are “NOT” fundraising events. Just a great opportunity to enjoy a gathering of old friends and neighbors, and to say “Hello” and welcome the many new families that have moved in and around our community.

-Charlie Mundy