The Kinkead-Martin American Legion Post #583 hosted the annual and traditional Memorial Day services at 11:00 on Monday, May 30, 2022.
The Color Guard presented the colors. The Legion members, Gary Schmidt, Dennis Ulrich, Chris Kilmer, Dan Brubaker, Mike Scharingson, and Bill Hamilton were recognized and thanked for providing services, at Old Rippey, Fairview, Angus, Pleasant Hill, as well as Rippey.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by young persons and visitors from the community. Brenda Roberts provided a vocal solo, “America the Beautiful”, followed by Moses Jungck reading the poem “In Flanders Field”. During the reading, DeAnn Scharingson placed the wreath on the representative monument of the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. Pastor Catherine Stokes gave the message, followed by the military armed salute.
Following the conclusion of the ceremony lunch was served at the Rippey United Methodist Church.
-Mary Weaver