The Rippey Lions Club held their regular meeting on April 7 with a potluck meal President Greg Jacobs led the meeting. Further plans were made for Rippey Fun Days on July 30 including considering a list of businesses to contact. The program for the next meeting will be led by Sandra Dixon, Lions Club Zone officer. The election of officers for 2022-2023 is slated for the next meeting. Guests were Mame Ngon, an exchange student from Senegal in western Africa at the Greene County High School and her host mother, Connie Boyd from Jefferson. Mame shared that her home country is the same area as Iowa with a population of 16l3 million compared to 3 million in Iowa. Mame experienced her first snowfall in Iowa and enjoyed a brief outing in the snow. For more information about the Rippey Lions Club, contact Nancy Hanaman, Secretary, 515-436-7384.