Jean Borgeson spent last week with Blake and Linda Hampton and their children, Sierra, Jayden and Sophia. School was out for Fall break and it seemed like a good time to review cookie baking and decorating skills. We all found out the Halloween House cookie kit was much harder that it looked. By the next day, the house decorations had hardened to a point that the kids decided, on their own, that they needed to brush their teeth before dismantling the cookie house to throw it into the trash. We will stick to the sugar cookies and sprinkles from now on!
Friday evening, after a shopping trip to the Dollar Tree for six items each, the twins mixed, baked and decorated their early birthday cake and opened their presents from grandma. LEGOS kept them busy the rest of the evening! They will be six on October 18.
The weather was nice for walks to the school yard for play and on Sunday they all got to ride their bikes around the parking lot.
An early morning flight home, I was met by Dale Hanaman, who was willing to drive “Miss Daisy” home! (After lunch out, of course!)