What Do You Remember About Rippey?
The Rippey, Iowa, Sesquicentennial will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2020. If you have personal remembrances of Rippey, you are invited and encouraged to share those memorable stories. Just send your remembrance via email and we’ll get it posted on the Rippey News Web site, as well as on Facebook sites of the Friends of Rippey and the Rippey Sesquicentennial. You write down the anecdote or story–a page or two–and we’ll do the rest. Phyllis McElheney Lepke is serving as our volunteer coordinator and stories may be sent to her at Rippey150@gmail.com.
Updated: All of us who enjoyed reading Lynn Wilson’s research regarding how Rippey got its name, will be pleased to discover additional information and a second photo in this revised version of his submission. Thank you, Lynn.
How Our Town Got Its Name by Lynn Wilson
I was born and raised in Rippey, and probably like most people, didn’t give much thought when I was growing up about how our town got its name. When I attended the 1970 Centennial, I looked at the excellent History of Rippey, and Families of Rippey publications, and learned that our town was named for a Civil War Captain, Robert M. Rippey. Much later, when I decided to do genealogy on the Wilson family, which I quickly traced back to England (my great grandparents), I enjoyed the project so much that I decided to do some research on Captain Rippey. Following is a summary of what I found, after researching the Greene County Records, Iowa Historical Society, Indiana Historical Records, Elkhart, Indiana County Records, and the Vicksburg, Corinth, and Shiloh National Battlefields. I also received much help from the Jefferson, Iowa, Public Library.
Robert Montgomery Rippey was born in Rush County, Indiana, on August 17, 1828, one of five children of Mathew and Jane Montgomery Rippey. During his early years his parents moved to the Elkhart, Indiana, area, where Robert grew up. His parents were very prominent farmers, with substantial land holdings. They were active supporters of the community, engaging in a number of philanthropic causes. Mathew was also a Justice of the Peace and a state representative. Robert attended DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, in 1850 for one year. During the early 1850’s Robert moved to Greene County, Iowa, becoming one of its earliest, most prominent and influential citizens, serving as a drainage commissioner, surveyor, and County Judge. On page 188 in the History of Rippey, published in 1970, just before the Centennial, is a plat of the original town, called Old Rippey, surveyed by Robert M. Rippey in 1855. The town was then named for him.
On February 14, 1856, Robert married Ann Linn. One daughter, Olive Jane, was born. After the death of Ann, Robert married Mary E. Young on July 22, 1857. One daughter, Alice Ann, was born.
When the Civil War began, Mr. Rippey answered the call of duty, and was commissioned as a Captain in Company E, 39th Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment, on August 24, 1862. Ten companies were formed, with a total of 933 men, commanded by Colonel Cummings and Lt. Colonel Redfield. The 39th was transported by rail to Cairo, Illinois, and then sailed down the Mississippi River to Columbus, Kentucky, seeing their first action at Parker’s Crossroads, Tennessee, in December 1862. The regiment spent most of 1863 guarding important Union installations in Corinth, Mississippi. In 1864 the regiment moved south, engaging in a number of battles, including participating in General Sherman’s march to the sea through Georgia. The regiment sustained heavy losses, and received the highest commendation for bravery from General Sherman. The regiment capped its distinguished career by participating, after the war ended, in the Grand March in Washington, D.C., on May 24, 1865. The 39th was formally mustered out of service at Clinton, Iowa, on June 06, 1865. According to the official records, the 39th Iowa Volunteer Infantry lost, due to disease and combat, 192 enlisted men, and 8 officers, for a total of 200.
Captain Rippey died at Corinth, Mississippi, on October 30, 1863, of acute dysentery, age 35. He is buried along with his first wife and two daughters in the Jefferson, Iowa, Cemetery.
Enclosed is a photo of the man our town is named for, Robert Montgomery Rippey, in full Civil War dress uniform. Also enclosed is a photo of his gravestone in Jefferson.

Carte-de-visite portrait of Captain Robert M. Rippey who served in the Civil War with Company E of the 39th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. ca1862. [Photo capture from album]
(Photo provided by Laura Cummings Miller Collection, Special Collections, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines)
The burial site is on the east side of the drive, just south of the entry to the cemetery.