Jean’s Jottings


After last year’s Memorial Day events were cancelled there is anticipation from the Rippey alumni who have indicated they will attend the party on Saturday.  The numbers will be down from two years ago, but those attending will enjoy a good meal and visiting.

The cemeteries look beautiful this time of year.  This was an especially hard year for those who had to deal with the damage caused by the Derecho last August.  The three cemeteries in Washington Township were also affected.  The trustees met soon after to begin a plan of recovery.  Roger Norgren was appointed by the other trustees, Mary Hick and Greg Jacobs, to lead this effort and work with FEMA, to hopefully receive some reimbursement for the damage incurred.  Under his leadership and many forms to fill out for FEMA, the debris was cleaned up under their guidelines and repairs made to the fences.  Hopefully reimbursement will be secured soon. 

Colleen Norgren mows Rippey and Bowers-Angus Cemeteries and Dick Bardole mows Old Rippey Cemetery.  The cemeteries will look great for the day, as usual.

             Kinkaid-Martin American Legion Post #583 will present their tribute at Bowers-Angus Cemetery at 10:00, Old Rippey at 10:30 and after the program at Rippey Cemetery at 11:00.  The public is invited for a freewill lunch at the Rippey UMC at the conclusion of the ceremony at Rippey.

-Jean Borgeson