Jean’s Jottings


What a difference in my attitude when the temperature rises to a tolerable level!  As I continue to sort and re-file pictures, I’m finding memories, long lost as time passes.  I’m grateful that I have learned to scan and send.  This week I was able to share some pictures of my Boston cousins, taken in the 1950’s, when they came to visit their Iowa cousins.  There were eight kids in the house and two other cousins out on the farm that were able to know one another during their childhoods. They have never forgotten their trips and we have never lost touch.  What an effort it must have been for their folks, driving so far to make a yearly trip, sometimes more for special family events. One cousin visited recently with his two daughters, and he was thrilled to relive those memories with them.  A few hours on a plane is much quicker!

With warmer weather, the urge to put all this away and go outside and pick up sticks is starting to creep in.  I wonder how disciplined I will be to stay with  the picture project!