Meeting called to order by President, Jean Borgeson.
Present: President: Jean Borgeson, Secretary: Brenda Roberts, Nancy Burrow, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole (Librarian), Rick Liebick (City Liaison)
Absent: Cindy Devilbiss
Lyle moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried
No public comments were shared.
Nancy moved to approve the Board Minutes as presented. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
The November 2019 bills were reviewed. Lyle moved to approve the bills to be paid by the City Clerk. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried
Review financial report
Balances: November 25, 2019
General Fund: $7,569.70
Memorial: $3,438.73
New Business:
There was discussion among the board about Budget planning for the fiscal year 2020-2021. Lyle made a motion to approve the presented budget to be put before the Rippey City Council. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Personnel Policy was discussed with some suggested changes to three items of the present policy. Nancy moved the Personnel Policy be approved with the suggested changes to be made. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried
The annual Library children’s Christmas party will be held Wednesday, December 18, 2019.
The board discussed and agreed to hold the December meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019.
Phyllis is due to have surgery on Friday, December 27, 2019. The board discussed covering the library shifts through trustee assistance and other possible library volunteers.
Lyle made a motion to adjourn. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried
Next meeting: December 16, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. in the library.
Brenda Roberts, Secretary