Library Board Minutes 10/27/17


(to be approved at the next meeting)

Attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.  Absent, Brenda Roberts.

The meeting was called to order by President, Dale Hanaman.  The agenda was approved.

There was no public comment.

The minutes from the September 25, 2017 meeting were approved as read by a motion from Nancy and a second from Connie.

The Clerk’s report was reviewed and the bills to be paid were presented.  Nancy moved the bills be presented to the city for payment and Connie seconded.  The motion carried.


General:  $5,546.49

Memorial:  $2,451.87

Gillett Fund:  $24,100.72

The correspondence concerning the Trustee Training, to be held at Rippey on November 6, 2017 was shared.  The supper of soup and dessert will be provided by the County Liberians.  The training will begin with Maryann Mori, Consultant of Central District, State Library of Iowa in charge.

The circulation and programs report from September was handed out and reviewed.

There was no old business

New Business: The board welcomed Connie Neese who agreed to fill out the term of Carmen McColley.  Carmen was approved by the city on December 1, 2014 to fill out the term of Mary Millard, who resigned October 27, 2014.  This term ends on June 30, 2019.

Programs planned for October include a Halloween Party on October 31 from 4 ;. . – 6 p. m.

Board and Librarian comments:  Shawneene shared that the annual reports for the county and state had been sent.  This being new to her, she sought help from the state and Jean, who reminded the group that it was rather difficult to figure out some of the former librarian’s figures, which would have be incomplete.  It was done the best we could and Shawneene now has an idea as to what is expected in those reports, so it should be easier for her next year.

Also a tentative budget was handed out.  It is hopeful to have this proposal approved at the November meeting so it can be presented to the city at their December meeting.

Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to move our meetings to 5:00 contingent on Dale contacting Brenda  to see if it was convenient for her.  The motion carried. (Brenda agreed on November 5, 2017).

The next meeting will be Monday, November 27, 2017 at 5:00.

Jean Borgeson, Secretery