(To be approved at the March meeting)
The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on February 26, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.
Attending: Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Connie Neese, Brenda Roberts and Jean Borgeson, trustees and Shawneene Kenan, Librarian.
President, Dale Hanaman called the meeting to order and a general approval of the agenda was given by the trustees.
The January minutes were approved as read with a motion from Brenda and second from Nancy.
There was no clerk’s report.
The bills were presented and reviewed. Nancy made and Brenda seconded a motion to approve the library bills to be paid by the city at their March meeting. The expenses were $1,250.53 and income from the soup fundraiser was 482.50 plus a $40.00 donation, totaling $282.50. An additional $200.00 donation was given to Shawneene tonight.
Shawneene spoke about the online classes for Public Library Management (PLM) to be held April 6-May 25. The Friday, April 6 class requires her to be present at the Pleasant Hill Library from 9:30 to 3:30. She will put a sign on the door and let her patrons know ahead of time that the library will be closed that day. The rest of the classes will be online.
Shawneene reported about the fun six kids had painting their projects on Valentine’s Day. She has similar ideas for Easter.
The Rotary Grant Application was delivered and the results will be announced in April. Shawneene reported that her husband, Mark, who works for Storey-Kenworthy, has donated a cupboard for the STEM materials asked for in the grant.
The Service Policy was reviewed, updated and adopted.
After much discussion and rewrites, it was suggested Shawneene do some more research on the Circulation Policy wording and present her version at the March meeting.
The Confidentiality Policy was also tabled to review at a later date.
The Greene County Reads book has been selected and the librarians are in the process of coordinating the leader of the discussions, Jan Scharingson. Rippey will be one of the host sites, this year.
Toddler-Fest is planned for Saturday, April 17.
Jean will be in AZ during the March meeting. Brenda volunteered to be the secretary for the next meeting.
There being no further comments the meeting was adjourned with a motion by Nancy and second from Brenda.
The next meeting will be Monday March 26, 2018 at 5:00 in the library.
Jean Borgeson, Secretary