Library Board Minutes 4/27/20


6:00 p.m.

Present: Jean Borgeson, President (via phone), Brenda Roberts, Secretary, Nancy Burrow (via phone), Cindy Devilbiss, Lyle Rychonovsky, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian,

Absent: Rick Liebich, City Liaison

Jean called the meeting to order

Nancy moved to approve the Agenda. Lyle seconded. Motion carried

March Minutes – Lyle made a motion to approve the minutes, Cindy seconded. Motion carried.

Adoption of March Bills – Motion to approve by Nancy, seconded by Lyle. Motion carried

Mary Millard gave an understanding of money outstanding in the General Fund that needs to be used before the end of the fiscal year.

$350.00 remains from a Tech Grant. This will be put towards the purchase of Ipads for student use in the library. Purchase of a webcam/microphone/earphones w/USB port for librarian use for Zoom meetings. Cindy made a motion to purchase tech equipment. Lyle seconded the motion. Motion carried

Brenda will contact Mary Millard to purchase tech equipment.

Awaiting information from head librarian at the Jefferson Public Library re: Rippey Public Library’s portion to be paid for county newspaper digitization project.

Adjournment: Motion Cindy, seconded Lyle. Motion Passed

Next Meeting: Monday, May 18, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Brenda Roberts, Secretary