Library Board Minutes April 29, 2019


(to be approved at the next meeting.)

The Rippey Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, April 29, 2019 at 5:30 in the library for their regular meeting.

Those attending were Dale Hanaman, Nancy Burrow, Brenda Roberts, Connie Neese, and Jean Borgeson, Trustees, Phyllis Bardole, Librarian and Rick Liebick, City Council Liaison.

The agenda was unanimously approved.

There was no public comment.

Adoption of the March 2019 minutes was approved with a few spelling and grammar corrections.  Connie made the motion to approve the corrections and Brenda seconded the motion.

The April bills were approved by a motion by Nancy and second by Brenda.

The members reviewed the city clerk’s financial report.

April Deposits:

Memorial:  $500.00

Greene County 4th quarter:  $1, 639.75

Grow Greene County Grant:  $1,283.00

City of Rippey to Library from Gillett CD ($1,500 back to Memorial from last June; $500.00 to General) This action was approved by the council on May 7, 2018.

April 2019 Balances

General:  4,780.73

Memorial:  3,818.84

Grant remaining:  1,383.00

Petty Cash:  105.08

Jerry Gillett CD  22,402.37  (interest added:  133.12)

 Phyllis reported on the county librarian association meeting, held in Paton this morning.  She received a memorial from the children of Midge Vannatta.  Money was given in memory of Barb Parkison, who served on the board from 2008-2010 when she and her daughter, Pastor Deb Parkison, moved to Manson.  Barb passed away April 19, 2019. This deposit will be noted on next month’s report.

The summer reading was discussed.   Decisions will be made in the coming months about dates and volunteers to help.

Dale announced a reminder from the city clerk that a motion was needed to make to request to the city council that extra library funds at the end of the year be rolled over into fiscal year 2019-2020. Nancy made the motion, Brenda seconded and it carried.

Dale announced he would be completing his term on June 30 and will not be serving another term. Connie and Nancy’s term will be up, also.  Connie will be moving and that term ends on June 30, also. Nancy agreed to be re-appointed to her own term as long as she and her husband stay in Rippey.  Several names were mentioned to contact for two library board members, one from the country and one from the city.  Jean will contact those people.

There were no more comments from the librarian or the board members, so Nancy moved and Connie seconded the motion to adjourn.

The next meeting will be Monday, May 20, 2019, due to Memorial Day being on our regular meeting night.

Jean Borgeson, Secretary