School is open now and it is nice to see the bus come every afternoon to the library. It is a safe haven for those who are waiting for parents to come home or just want to hang out. Last week it was a dry place from the downpour of rain!
There is a new trustees meeting in Jefferson the 24th of September. Some of us older ones are going too to freshen up our understanding.
The mini-con will be held at the Rec Center in Jefferson September 28th from 1 – 5. All 6 Libraries in the county are participating. There is a lot of excitement about this and it is just the 2nd year we’ve done it.
I would like to get some of my adult readers to come together to discuss books they have read. It might spark interest for others. It wouldn’t be a book report, you don’t want to spoil the book for some, but just make them want to check it out.
Next month we will be having a Halloween Party at the library with costumes, judging, and a light meal. When we know when the city is going to have Halloween in town, it will be that day. Then they can go on around town afterwards. This is for family so everyone will be invited.
We have had several new library cards given out this month. Some have come in to look for something special and said I should come here more often. I hope others will join them.
Our president has been looking up information about our 75th year as a library. Back then everything was put in the library and everyone’s name was put in also. Who doesn’t like their name in print! She even found where I had written a book report back in 1952 when I was nine years old! I’m so glad my parents took me to the library. We lived in the country and it was harder to make that effort. When you live in town all you have to do is walk to the library. Make it list of things to do this fall.
– Phyllis Bardole, Librarian