Library News


Janice Harbaugh donated some books on local history to the Rippey Library.  She will be making postcards for the Rippey 150th Celebration and possibly republish the Rippey History Book.  Her company is

Robert Huber sent me a book that is a story about Pat Daugherty.  He was a teacher/coach at Rippey from 1959-1961.  Robert’s letter was wonderful and it also talked about his coach in high school, Mel Murken.  Mel is back living in Rippey now.  If you remember Coach Daugherty, come in and check out this book.

Jean Borgeson brought in an article from the Des Moines Tribune dated Jun 13, 1961, about Pat Daugherty, titled, “Her Daddy Lives on Baseball Field.”  It features a picture of his wife, JoAnn and daughter, Mary Beth greeting Pat as he arrives home, and also a picture of Pat and players on five baseball squads he managed in 1961. They were the Demons, the senior town team, and teams in PeeWee, Little League, Babe Ruth League and high school baseball.

We are going to have our Christmas Party on December 18th from 2 – 3 PM.  We’ll make some Christmas crafts and make a “trail mix” to take home.  Hope to see you then.  Parents are invited to come also.

Our Trustee Board meeting will be earlier than usual because of Christmas.  We will have it Monday night December 16th at 5:30 PM.

Maralynn Rinker has the tree up and lit at the Library.  She also has decorations inside too.  We appreciate her helping keep the library up to date with holidays.

Today is a very warm day, but I know the cold is coming. It is always warm in here so come in and checkout some books to read when the weather gets bad.

– Phyllis Bardole, librarian