Rippey Alumni Meeting


The annual meeting of the Rippey Alumni met at the Rippey United Methodist Church on Saturday, May 25, 2019, for a noon meal served by the church members. There were 29 alumni attending with approximately 20 cooks, servers and singers who helped with the meal and meeting.

After the delicious meal, the meeting was held in the sanctuary. President, Mary Fry Liebich welcomed the group and all stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Rippey singers sang, “Jesus is Calling America” and was directed by Dick Bardole.

The roll call of alumni was read. The oldest alumnus attending was Mary Ethell Cunningham who graduated with the class of 1944. There have been six deceased members reported since our last meeting, that we know of.  

The class of 1959 was presented and acknowledged for their 60 year anniversary.  John Bardole, who stepped in for Lynn Wilson, read Lynn’s memory notes.  Jean Borgeson shared a few excerpts from classmates of Ralph’s written on the back of senior pictures shared with him at the end of their school years.  Those attending this year were:  Dan Acton, John Bardole, Larry Munson, Judy Monthei Wills, and Mary Ann Young Miller. A letter from Julie High States McAllister was read.  Others in the class who were unable to attend were, Sally Burk Drake, Jay Bardole, Jerry Groves, Paul Moore, Sheila Roades Sjeklocha, Jim Smith, Dennis Smothers, and Lynn Wilson. Glen Henderson’s address is unknown.  The deceased members are: Ralph Borgeson, Frank Carpenter, Dean Fiscus, Ronnie Hastie, Jack Kenny, Jim (Gene) Ridnour, and Kenneth Tallman.

The floor was opened for nominations of officers for next year.  There being no takers, the secretary, Jean Borgeson, agreed to send out the letter and invitations.  Most of the other helpers will be willing to continue what they do to make this day work.  The price of stamps being a big expense, the decision to utilize E-mails for next year’s invitation was met with general agreement.  

After the collection, the meeting was adjourned and many stayed to visit.  The next meeting will be Saturday, May 23, 2020.