Rippey Sesquicentennial Planning Meeting Minutes


May 9, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Dan. Nine persons were in attendance. The agenda along with the treasurer’s report and announcements were provided by Mary.

Friends of Rippey $36,943.88

Sesquicentennial $20,152.00

Ballpark $1,384.43

Piano $100.00

FOR $15,307.45


Merchandise $22.50

Monetary donations $1,200.00

Vendor $20.00 (two stands)

Piano $100.00 (this is a new category, for assisting in piano tuning as necessary)



Paint $208.60

Weed killer 60.97

Crushed tile $5,778.00


Gambling license $25.00 (Bingo, quilt raffle)

Mary reported activities completed since April meeting:


Dale and DeAnn Thompson planted daisies and coneflowers under mural

Tree in front of Library from Greene County Democrats

11 vendors have made deposits for booths

Des Moines Modelaires-radio controlled model airplanes (new event, Marc Monthei recruited)

Applications available for food vendors. No one has applied

City wide cleanup of appliances completed

Protective plastic sheets here for library pictures (Lyle Rychnovsky and Mary replaced 5-10-21)


Crushed tile added to safety track

Electricity on in concession stand (and ball field lights on 5-11-21)

Concession stand cleaned by Lily Riley as part of Greene County Schools volunteer hours by students to the community

Food ordered for baseball tournament

Games on May 14, 15, 16


The church will be serving homemade ice cream from 11:30-1:30

The Children’s tractor pull will be moved to the skating rink, along with the bubble show

The D.J. for the street dance and wine tasting is unable to attend. Will have street dance. Music to be arranged. No wine tasting.


Jon Jontz has offered to do free painting, and provide the paint. (He came on 5-10 and painted the inside of the concession stand, and touch up painting on the shelter house)

Appliance clean up very successful, large contained filled with old appliances.


Dan is concerned to previously identified parade route may have corners too tight. Route being reconsidered. Origin and ending at site of former school building

Parade to be quality not quantity. Ask adjoining communities for ONE piece of fire equipment. LIMIIT ON FARM IMPLEMENTS (We have all seen big combines in the fields)

Identify a person on a horse with an American Flag to lead the parade

Float interest to date include Rippey Lions, Church, Rolling Hills Bank, and the Greene County Historical Society

Recruit for other businesses, organizations, Rippey Alumni, Veterans, families, etc.


Dan had created a sample of a magnet, with wording that returning it allows a ticket for a meat bundle. Approval given to order 2500.


No food trucks have expressed interest

The Thirsty Pig can do food

Mary will contact beef and pork producers for late afternoon and evening food availability/financial details


Dan will check on golf carts for shuttling persons to and from their cars

The next meeting will be at 6:30 P.M. May 23.

Summary minutes,

Mary Weaver