Card of Thanks
July 3 will mark my first anniversary of Chemo treatments. Since that time I have been overwhelmed with prayers, cards, phone calls, meals, visits, rides for doctor and chemo treatments and much moral support. It is all much appreciated and just plain Iowa Nice!
In Des Moines at John Stoddard, my Dr. Robert Behrens, P.A. Tracy Sarin, the lab personal and the “Chemo Nurses” are great.
Please keep up the prayers and good thoughts as I continue this “Cancer Experience” One good lesson learned is how kind people can be! Thank you all so much!
Velda’s Varities Classics
The Mouth of Rippey, The Name Stuck
Petunia Pig Goes To RC-L Middle School
Carson’s Piano Caper – 3/21/96
Dinner to Remember Chapter 1 – 9/2/11
Dinner to Remember Chapter 2 – 9/2/11
Michael DeMoss Graduates – 12/17/16
In Memory of Velda
Team Velda Varieties – 4/22/17
Back: Sue Sherlock, Karli (DeMoss) Louk, Janice Johnston, Dale Hanaman, Mary Weaver
Front: Beth DeMoss, Zelda DeMoss, Connie Neese, Jean Borgeson, Nancy Hanaman
Thanks to all who provided baked goods for Team Velda’s project at the Relay for Life Event in Jefferson on April 22, 2017. “Roaring Rippey Rolls and Other Tasty Treats” were sold to raise funds in Velda DeMoss’ memory. Team members include: Shawn & Lori DeMoss, Marc & Shannon DeMoss, Beth DeMoss and Karli (DeMoss) Louk and daughter, Zelda DeMoss, Sue Sherlock, Jean Borgeson, Mary Weaver, Connie Neese, and Kris Brend, Janice Johnston, Mary and Rick Liebich, and Dale and Nancy Hanaman. Some of the group participated in the Scrabble Walk/Run event during the day. Thanks to all of those who have contributed to support this worthy project to fight cancer….Nancy Hanaman, Team Captain
Team Velda “Souper Supper” – 2/15/16
Pictures submitted by Nancy Hanaman. Beth DeMoss, Toni Roberts, Mary Weaver having a little fun!
Many hardy folks ventured to the Rippey Library/Community Building Saturday, February 13, 2016, to sample a variety of soups on a frigid winter night to raise money for Greene County Relay for Life to fight cancer in memory of Velda DeMoss. Team Velda members provided a tasty selection of soups: beef vegetable, wild rice-chicken, chili, broccoli and cheese, and corn chowder. The team and others provided a selection of bars, as well.
Those attended stayed to visit. The Relay for Life luminaria tree was part of the event with luminarias in memory of Velda DeMoss, Carson Griffith and Judy Lint among others. These are displayed at the walk/run event as part of the Relay for Life activities on April 23 in honor of those currently dealing with cancer, survivors, care givers and those who have passed on.
Team Velda’s Varieties members include Shannon DeMoss, Lori DeMoss, Beth DeMoss, Connie Neese, Mary and Rick Liebich, Jean Borgeson, Jan Johnston, Mary Weaver and Dale and Nancy Hanaman.
Thanks to all for their support for this event.
Team Velda Varieties – 5/2/16

Back: Kris Brend, Karli DeMoss, Beth DeMoss, Sue Sherlock, Mary Weaver, Shannon and Marc DeMoss
Front: Jean Borgeson, Zelda DeMoss, Lori DeMoss, Nancy Hanaman, Connie Neese

Great-Grandaughter Zelda!

and Son Marc, remembering his mom and supporting
his friend Jon, who is fighting this battle now
Team Velda’s Varieties was well represented at the Relay for Life Event on April 23. 2016 to fight Cancer at the Greene County Community Center in Jefferson. Some participated in the “Color out Cancer” Walk/Run. They gathered at the team table decorated with purple and yellow streamers. Team members are Lori and Shawn DeMoss, Shannon and Mark DeMoss, Beth DeMoss, Karli and Zelda DeMoss, Sue Sherlock, Kris Brend, Connie Neese, Jean Borgeson, Mary Weaver, Janice Johnston Rick and Mary Liebich, Dale and Nancy Hanaman. Those present enjoyed the entertainment, silent auction and lunch that was served. Thanks to all who have donated to Team Valda’s Varieties to honor Velda DeMoss’ memory and to support the fight against Cancer.
Submitted by Team Captain, Nancy Hanaman
Team Velda Varieties – 8/27/15

In memory of Velda DeMoss, “Team Velda’s Varieties” stepped off proud as one of the teams that participated in the Greene County Relay for Life and the “Color Out Cancer Walk.” The team at the walk included Lori DeMoss, Shannon DeMoss, Rick and Mary Liebich, Mary Weaver, Connie Neese, Dale and Nancy Hanaman. Mary Weaver provided purple and yellow scarves to honor Velda’s days at Rippey High School and Nancy Hanaman provided clown noses in honor of Velda and Jean Borgeson’s clowning. Lori and Shannon walked with great vigor while Rick, Dale and Nancy took a short cut. Ask them for more details. Others supported the team in other ways. Over $500.00 was donated from friends and family in the local community, as well as from around the country, in Velda’s memory to the American Cancer Society to aid in the fight against cancer.