Lions Club Meeting


The Rippey Lions Club met on November 1, 2018.  The members and Dan Action, who was the guest of Myron and Maralynn Rinker, began their meeting with a potluck meal.  During the business meeting the group decided on a donation to the Greene County Community Christian Action Center building fund and finalized plans for the breakfast on November 17.

 The program chair, Cindy Devilbiss, led the group on a tour of their recent trip to Germany with her brother and his wife, with their first stoop journey at Wrigley Field to cheer on the Cubs.  While in Germany, they enjoyed touring castles and the countryside with time in Munich and other cities.  She took the group along on their boat trip on the Rhine River as well as a sobering visit to the site of the concentration camp near Dachau.  This included the crowded sleeping quarters and the crematorium.  As they continued their travels, they were impressed with the beauty of the German countryside and hope to return again.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 15 at 7 p. m., with the meal served by the women of the church.  The program will be presented by Jason Foley, an award winning bee keeper.

Submitted by Nancy Hanaman