Rippey RAGBRAI Meeting Minutes – May 31


Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Rippey Community Center

The Rippey RAGBRAI meeting followed the Friends of Rippey and began at 7:15. Those present were Dan Brubaker, Donnie Carpenter, Brad Lowe, Jennifer Stagg, Nancy Hanaman, Dale Hanaman, Rick Liebich, Brad Rowe, Peter Bardole, and Dale Thompson.

The April 28 meeting minutes of Rippey RAGBRAI were distributed along with the May 16 minutes of the Pre ride team meeting.

Dan gave an overview of funds. Dollars expended: $7400 for Portable toilets, $350 for hand sanitizer stations, $1000 for handwashing stations, $2800 for tents, $730 for dumpsters, $1140 for dumpster tipping fee, and 6 garbage cans $300. Vendor fees identified to date leaves a balance of 1640.00.

The City of Rippey food vendor permit has been submitted. Two are nonfood vendors, one selling jewelry, one selling bike shorts. The Des Moines Register will also have a shirt selling station.

There are a variety of food vendors: pork loin, maid rites, chicken wings, ice cream, cookies, in addition to the Methodist church and combined Lions and Fire Department food.

Discussion turned to activities in Rippey. The D.J. and beer tent will be on main street in the vacant lot west of Dan’s house. Dale Thompson spoke of giving historical information about the former Rippey Coal mine, north from the current Landus elevator, Mary suggested a register rock, and perhaps an agricultural equipment display on the pasture of Chris and Brenda Roberts.

The pre ride scheduled for June 6, with 40-60 riders was discussed. The Firemen/Lion’s will provide utensils, the church will do maid rites, each organization will supply two pies, Dan will provide water in bottles, and Mary will donate potato salad. The riders will be charged $15.00 per meal. Expenses will be taken from the proceeds, and any left-over funds will be divided amongst the four organizations. (Church, Lion’s, Fire Dept, Baseball)

We will gather at 12:00 noon on June 6 in the large community room to set up tables and prepare lunch. The riders are expected about 1:00.

A motion to adjourn was made by Dan, seconded by Donnie. The meeting adjourned at 8:15.

The next meeting will be held June 7 at 7:00 P.M.

Summary minutes,

Mary Weaver