Jason, Allison, Levi, Kate, and Chase Bardole arrived Friday night, December 21 for Christmas at the Roy Bardoles. Saturday, Pete, Yvette, Arthur, Avery, and Aden Bardole, Cassie Bardole and Gabe Bardole all of Jefferson, Tim and Lori Bardole of Rippey, and Schyler, Lauren, and Adam Bardole from Adaza came for the day. We enjoyed a Christmas dinner and then opened packages. Part of the day Levi and Aden rode the go-cart. It got a little muddy before the day was over. Gabe came later from work. We had sandwiches and snacked for supper and had a nice visit.
Sunday morning some went to church. Others came at noon and we ate pizza! More riding the go-cart and more mud!. Had to wash some coats and snow pants! Jason, Allison, and family left Monday morning the 24th to get home to be ready for Santa Claus. Christmas eve, most of the family went to Christmas Eve Service.
Christmas afternoon, Tim, Lori, and Cassie went up to Pete, Yvette, and boys. Roy and Phyllis came up later, and Gabe stopped by after work. We played a mean game of cards! Tim, Lori, Cassie, and Gabe left to have Christmas with Schyler, Lauren, and Adam. It was nice to have family all together for a short time.