Friends of Rippey Minutes 9/11/22


The Friends of Rippey met at the Library Community Room at 7:00 P.M. on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Tina Minor, secretary was unable to attend. Those present were Dale Thompson, Paula Rychnovsky, Nancy Hanaman, Cara McCoy, Marc Monthei, Donnie Carpenter, Brad Rowe, and Mary Weaver

There were no minutes available from the previous meeting.

Paula distributed the treasurer’s report. The report included income and bills for the three FOR accounts. The current People’s account is $25,298.10. The present ballfield account is $2,591.60. The Rolling Hills account is $2,329.93. (The Rolling Hills account reimburses the webmaster and is used for Rippey Alumni activities.)

On a motion made by Nancy seconded by Marc, the treasurer’s report was approved. Motion passed unanimously.

On a motion made by Donnie and seconded by Marc, $2,591.60 will be transferred to the Rippey Baseball Commission. Kevin Hick, President of the Commission asked Mary via phone earlier in the afternoon that the check be mailed to him at his home, and he will be establishing the bank account. Motion passed unanimously.

Mary provided the following information:

The Rippey Baseball Commission has obtained a not-for-profit status, and their IRS number. The agreement with the City of Rippey has been completed.

The memory box holding the Rippey High School Band Uniform has been built and hung in the large community room thanks to Dick Bardole.

The City Council has given permission to establish two Pickleball Courts on the east side of the skating rink and allowed the pipes serving as a railing to be removed. The west half of the former skating rink to be used as a basketball court.


Charlie Mundy, Rick Liebich and Jean Borgeson have asked to leave the FOR Board, new volunteers are Donnie Carpenter, Marc Monthei, and Dale Thompson. Paula made a motion seconded by Dale to accept the resignation of Rick, Charlie, and Jean. Motion passed.

On a motion by Nancy, seconded by Cara a motion was made to welcome Donnie Carpenter, Marc Monthei, and Dale Thompson as new FOR Board members.

Mary announced that plans were developing for a Corridor Housing Initiative-144. This will follow Highway 144 thru Rippey, Grand Junction, Dana, and Paton. Funds will be available to allow exterior improvements for housing, with a 1:1 match provided from the CHI-144, and the other half from the person doing the refurbishing. People’s Bank has donated $5,000 to begin this project. Implementation planned for March of 2023, when persons may begin requesting funding. More details to follow as this project advances.

Marc Monthei expressed a suggestion for a “team” approach to projects. This approach was embraced, with the exception that a leader was still needed. Mary and Nancy will review the email addresses and seek additional ones, searching for persons that may be willing to assist with FOR activities and potentially identifying a leader.

Marc volunteered to be point for the Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for April 8, 2023.

Other dates and point persons.

October 30, Trunk or Treat and community meal Cara McCoy

December 3, Christmas breakfast Paula Rychnovsky

Brad will arrange for the firetruck to bring Santa and Mrs. Claus to Rippey

February 4, 2023, BRR ride Community wide effort

Plans to have curling available on the skating rink, Brad will fill rink with water

July 22, 2023, Rippey Daze All Board, and members

Nancy indicated from experience that planning needs to begin in January. Additional vendors,

live music, and a parade need to be added.

Brad announced additional firepersons are being recruited. One has already completed the application. There may be interest in a pancake breakfast to financially support the Rippey Fire Department during the winter months.

Mary will write a request to the Greene County Community Foundation to seek funds for the pickleball court. Dale will ask Mike Denhardt to evaluate the concrete on the rink, as advice from the Grand Junction pickleball representative indicated a smoother surface may be needed. The City of Paton has built a pickleball court, a Bocce Ball Court, and established a Horse shoe contest area.

Sarah Killgore is willing to continue being the FOR webmaster and editor for the Rippey News. She will also continue doing postings for the Facebook page.

Marc requested a Zoom link for winter months to avoid traveling from DSM. Cara will arrange from the library.

Marc also offered volunteer time to paint the exterior of the library. He will solicit other helpers. Further discussion to include the City Council as the building belongs to the City.

Dale offered that we need to have FOR do more activities, to alleviate Dan, the Mayor, of so many responsibilities.

The group of young men using a family portable hoop and playing basketball using the street as a court, east of the skating rink was discussed. Marc lamented the City does not have a basketball hoop in this town. Mary has contacted Scooter Lawrence about putting up a hoop, but with no response. It was suggested to contact AAI in Jefferson about procuring a hoop and placing on the north side of the west portion of the skating rink, replacing the hoop that has been broken. Mary will follow with this suggestion.

On a motion by Donnie, and seconded by Dale, Marc was authorized to procure a globe and arrange for lighting for the old streetlamp in front of the community building. Motion passed.

The next meeting will be held on Sunday, October 9 at 7:00 P.M. where we will finalize plans for the trunk and treat, and community fall meal. Cara was advised that she does not need to do this entire event by herself.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

Summary Minutes by

Mary Weaver