Rippey Alumni Party


The annual gathering of the Rippey Consolidated School was held on Saturday, May 26, 2018 in the Rippey United Methodist Church. 

Fifty-two alumni and friends gathered for the meal, prepared and served by chairman, Phyllis Bardole and her committee, Maralynn Rinker, Dale and Nancy Hanaman, Rick and Mary Liebich, Dick and Jo Bardole, Roy Bardole, Kevin and Mary Hick, Rob Yelnick, Arthur and Avery Bardole and George Millard. 

After the meal, the group gathered in the sanctuary, where President Mary Liebich conducted the meeting.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by singing the first verse of America the Beautiful, accompanied by Dick Bardole.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer’s report given.

 Thirty-four alumni answered roll call.  Mary Dugan, who graduated in 1934, was given her flower in honor of her being the oldest alumni during the meal, as she and her family left early.  Mary will be 102 this year. 

  The 70 year class was recognized and those attending were LaVere Derry and Ruth (Grow) Kenney-Randolph.  Ruth shared some memories of the years spent going to school in Rippey and how special it was to share these memories with LaVere as a classmate.

 The 60 year class was recognized, also.  Those attending from the class of 1958 were Larry Johnson, Gail Monthei, and Verdina (Odin) Hastings.  Larry, on behalf of his classmates, shared some highlights of their school memories.

Jean Borgeson read some letters from alumni who couldn’t attend.  She also read the list of deaths that are known since May 2017. 

            Election of officers resulted in no election.  Mary Liebich and Jean Borgeson, along with the rest of the volunteers, agreed to continue with the alumni party next year.

A collection was taken to help defray the expenses.

Mary announced the times for the church service and the Memorial Day services with a lunch to follow.

            There being no other business, the meeting adjourned.

Many stayed for refreshments and more visiting during the afternoon.  There was a display of alumni memorabilia, annuals, and pictures that Jean Borgeson brought.  Also, thanks to Brenda Kiner who shared with Jean, the posters her aunt Maxine Johnson had prepared for her retirement party of all the kindergarten classes she had taught, including the three years at Cooper.  These displays triggered a lot of memories!