Rippey Ruckus


The Walt Anderson baseball field in Rippey saw plenty of action this past weekend. The rebirthed Rippey Demons hosted the South Dakota Jackalopes, the Crystal Minnesota Cubs, and the St. Michael Minnesota Angels.

In a round robin tournament consisting of 8 games, the St. Michael Angels was the tournament winner.

The teams have asked to return next year for what will become an annual Rippey Ruckus. This effort was initiated by former Rippey resident, and East Greene ball player, David Hick. His partner in completing this weekend endeavor was Bruce Thome, both currently residing in Des Moines. It is our current understanding a feature story about the Rippey field and the tournament will be aired on Channel 13 news at 10:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 18th.

Numerous persons need to be thanked for restoring the original Martin Field, now renamed for Walt Anderson, a former Rippey baseball enthusiast. Mel Murken, the Rippey Baseball Commissioner, and his Deputy, Merle Jackson, have labored numerous hours on the field as well as scraping and repainting the grandstand. The Greene County Board of Supervisors allocated funds from the Louis Dreyfus funds, and the Greene County Community Foundation also awarded funds for the park restoration and the addition of numerous safety features.

Several private contributions aided in this effort, but recognition is to be given for Barb Overman Yingling, for funding the refurbishing of the concession stand, and bringing water sources to the dugouts as well as the general public. John Jontz, of Jontz Painting of Woodward, and former Rippey resident, who provided paint and labor for repainting the bathrooms and shelter house, and to Judy McElheney who donated funds for painting the flag pole and purchasing a U.S. Flag and State of Iowa flag, and to Marc Monthei who donated paint for the foul ball posts in right and left field. Good Neighbor, a Rippey contracting service, was awarded grant dollars to complete the construction work and a portion of painting of the Grandstand, so it is safe and also looking very good.

The Concession stand was staffed by volunteers of the Friends of Rippey, and Kevin and Mary Hick provided pulled pork sandwiches. After expenses all proceeds close to $2,500 will for be available for additional ballpark improvements and maintenance.

The Mid Iowa Baseball League will be playing 8 games on the field beginning on June1st, four of those being double headers. The Rippey Community is pleased to have the ballpark restored and being able to hear the crack of the bat.


June 1st – 7:30pm

June 3rd – 7:30pm

June 21st – 7:30pm

June 27th – 1:00pm and 4:00pm

July 11th – 1:00pm and 4:00pm

July 18th – 1:00pm and 4:00pm

July 25th – 1:00pm and 3:30pm