Sharon Laub Honored All Week!


Sharon Laub was honored at the church fellowship for her birthday, with soup, cake and cake served. A rousing rendition of Happy Birthday and fellowship followed.

Thursday, she and her cousins, Cheryl Swanson and Bert Beebe of Jefferson, as well as Judy Wilson of Paton and Jean Borgeson of Rippey enjoyed lunch together. Although Sharon isn’t related to Judy and Jean, Cheryl and Bert are dangling from the same ancestral branch of our Carpenter family tree. A good winter project is to sort pictures and share how we are all connected.

On Sunday, October 6, Sharon was honored by relatives and friends and with an open house in the Rippey Community Room. Sons, Kris and Kurt tried to keep it a surprise, but had to spill the beans so she could be convinced to go out for lunch. A good crowd had gathered when she walked in the door and her smile lit up the room! It was a good week to celebrate number 90!